Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Don't take it (twi)lightly


FILM NAME: 'Twilight' (2008)
RUN TIME: 2 h 2 min DIRECTOR: Catherine Hardwicke LOU REVIEW: 3 out of 5 a Catch 🎣 Honestly the best and worst kind of trash :/

Twilight has received an incredible amount of appraisal and criticism since it's early 2005 release as the first book in a four part series by Stephanie Meyer. Admittedly, the quality and content of the books and films, it's acting styles, direction and script are widely considered juvenile and honestly, a bit shit. It is often considered overrated and a real disappointment to the sensory experience. However through all these criticisms, I believe Twilight is misunderstood and occasionally under appreciated for its definite ability to exhibit the common idealisms and human nature of not just teenagers and young adults, but so many other individuals of varying ages and personalities that identify with this film and it's strange-ness.

Basic Plot:

Outsider Bella Swan moves to an isolated town to live with her father. Being a new student suddenly pushes her into an unknown world of attention she isn't use to, catching the eyes of Edward Cullen, the gloomy local vampire.

(Honestly, trying to write a plot summary for this film was difficult and I definitely cringed for that whole sentence.)

A quality film soundtrack makes all the difference, and Twilight is no exception. Hit Paramore song "Decode" successfully gave viewers a song to play on repeat and rock out to. Gosh, it's in my head now. This soundtrack has a very moody, alternative rock feel that matched the eerie context of the Twilight saga, featuring music by Muse, Linkin Park and even featuring Actor Robert Pattinson. He can actually sing really well.

Check it out here --> Link to Soundtrack on Spotify


- Consistently dark hued colouring and tone of the film, emphasising darkness of theme and story. Colour is effectively used to represent feelings and character themes during these films. 
- Slow Motion- It's sad but so true that when Edward was so much more intense walking through that front door when he was slowed down. A lot of the Vampire movements were done in slow motion- it added a more intense feeling of them being less human- more immortal and feigned upon

Weird thing that happened because of Twilight: 

- Edward/ Jacob fights and teams
- People researching how to become vampires
- "It's not a phase mum" 
- Pre- teens reading something interesting to them! Reading is so good for the mind and any form of reading is great even if it is Twilight
- A general consensus that Kristen Stewart has one facial expression despite her numerous films and acting abilities             

Edward Cullen to Bella Swan:
"So you're worried, not because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?" *Laughs*  (Classic Edwards, what a giggle) 

Bella: How old are you?
Edward: Seventeen.
Bella: How long have you been seventeen?
Edward: ...a while.
Bella: I know what you are.
Edward: Say it... out loud. Say it.
Bella: Vampire.

Twilight is a fun 'Romantic' Drama that is so, so cringy, but so, so fun. When engrossed in the drama of the film you seem to forget that Bella and Edward have had a conversational relationship for the better part of a week, before going to deadly lengths to sacrifice themselves for each other. Crazy stuff. Sure, there are some perks with having a cool Vampire Boyfriend, like he's really fast and can read people's minds (oooh juicy), but a heavy aspect of this plot is Edwards constant desire for Bella's blood, which is pretty uncomfortable after awhile. Like, Bella's 17, she get's her period? Right? How does this work? Do they not hang out? Is period blood not desirable to vampires? I don't know the logistics of this side of Twilight but it all seems very unlikely. 


A must at any gathering. From the sub par acting, to the eerie nostalgic early 2000's vibes, this film and series will still impact you long after watching it. It has reached a time in my life when I believe it is not longer taboo to admit your love for Twilight, so, in light of this, tell everyone when you see it that you do love it, which you will.  It's the ultimate strange fantasy film that just continues to get weirder. But even if you don't like it, you will always be a little better for knowing you watched it. 

This has nothing to do with anything but honestly how relatable 

----------------------------- L O U I S E - 2 0 1 8  -----------------------------------

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